Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pink Fluff, Brussels Sprouts, Mickey Mouse and Frogs!

Title caught your eye?  I’m sure it did. 
There is good reason for it.  You see, this is about my Mother-in-love, the memories that I have and want to share with all of you who take the time to read this. I have remained pretty quiet for awhile on this subject but feel it is time to write it out.
Selfie Fun
About two years ago Chris and I moved back to Edmond, OK to help his parents out a little. We moved into their house and they purchased a home across the street. This is the second time in our marriage that we have lived across the street from them.  (side story, funny story is that Chris had once told his dad that he would NEVER live in the same town as them….) Anyway…obviously that didn't stick, but I’m glad it didn't!  Ann’s health was not good as she had been diagnosed with this disease that we had never heard of before.  PSP—(Progressive Supra-nuclear Palsy)…I like to say it is Parkinson’s on steroids.  It is an ugly, unfair, horribly debilitating disease. It robs you of life…that’s simply put. 
So for the last two years plus, we have all watched mom not BE mom anymore. In the last year especially, I have been there to see it personally up close. I quit my job working at the school here in Edmond, so I could be more available to help dad with mom.  I do NOT regret one second of that time. Even though I have been a member of this family of Grays for 25 years, (Chris and I will celebrate our 25th Anniversary on February 17th and it was Tom and Ann’s wedding anniversary as well as Tom’s Birthday.)  The last two years of this life have been such a reward…such a huge blessing to me. I have been privy to the inside life of my in-loves.  (Yes, I call them in-loves because I have never liked the term in-laws.) I have heard stories and have gotten so much closer to these two people who sacrificed much for the love of their family…their children.  I have seen into the years that both Tom and Ann grew up.  I am so much richer knowing all this…truly!

As mom’s illness took more and more away from her, the closer I stepped in to help dad. Now THERE is a man that needs to be rewarded for his time and his patience taking care of his beloved.   Daily tending to her needs, and at times ignoring his own, I watched his love in action. It was like attending a class on how to love your spouse. There are not many marriages out there where this kind of sacrificial love still exists. Lord, let my marriage be a model of that love. Let this be seen to our children. That is truly my prayer.
So back to the title…those memories.  Pink Fluff was always the dish that was present at the table of all our family gatherings, celebrations and more. Brussels  Sprouts was the dish that she was so excited to have her family try many years ago that turned into nobody ever eating again! (Truly a funny story) Mickey Mouse was the character that she so enjoyed and had many mementos of that around her house for years as well as the Frogs!  Her best friend, Nomes (Naomi), would always bring her a new one to have for her collection.  These are just the tip of things. My blog would be so long if I included all the things that were brought to my mind. But the memories that I will hold the dearest are the times spent in this last 6 months. As I was needed more across the street, I grew closer to mom and who she really was. God allowed me to see into her heart. The heart she had for her husband, her kids and oh my goodness…the Grand kids and Great-Grand kids. They were her life.  What an honor it has been for me to have been witness to such love. Our talks, even though towards the end she wouldn't remember them, were some that I hold so close to my own heart. I can only aspire to be the loving mother and dutiful, respectful wife that she was. I pray that some of that rubbed off on me!  She was the epitome of The Proverbs 31 woman.  How richly blessed my life has been to be able to be there…to love her…to help take care of her right till the end. To sing to her, the hymns and songs that she wanted me to. To laugh over situations that took place while I cared for her. (TMI…can’t share those) To see the love between her and Tom and know beyond a shadow of doubt, that I want THAT!  To know that NOTHING is too big in my marriage that cannot be overcome or talked about. That the love of Jesus permeated through her soul and to the outside world. If you knew Ann…you will agree. If you didn't…I’m so sorry that you couldn't have gotten to know one of the greatest people out there.
Don’t let life get in the way of loving your family. Don’t let things interrupt the time that you have been given to make a difference. Love deeply…oh so deeply the ones that you hold so close. And never, EVER take any of it for granted!
Thank you Ann,  “Annie” MOM…  I love you long time and will miss you so much.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A Little Walk with Jesus

This is where I walk. There are trails all through this property. It's beautiful and it's peaceful. I like spending time with God when I walk and this place is a great place to do that.
I purchased a devotional app for my phone and it has audio messages. I can listen to the Word while I walk and commune with God in a way that is hard in my busy life as a Wife, Mom, Daughter and every other title that could be placed upon me. But really, I busy myself with whatever I want to do sometimes too and I need to remember that quiet time with God is oh so important. I don't have the plan...He does! I am not in control...He is! One of my favorite scriptures is found in Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. It's a pretty well known scripture. I prefer to read it in The Message translation. 
"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
No matter what storms, trials, junk, whatever you want to call it...God will never abandon you. He knows the's all figured out.  Later in that book, Chapter 30, verse 17 says:
"For I will restore health to you,and your wounds I will heal,
declares the Lordbecause they have called you an outcast:..."
This verse has great meaning to me. I've walked through most of my life feeling like an outcast. But the great truth here is that God doesn't see me that way. When Jesus walked the Earth, he did most of his ministering outside the gates. He spoke to and loved on the outcasts. He didn't spend a lot of time in temples, on a stage preaching. He didn't pound any pulpits to get His message across. He was out with the people. By the springs, in the valleys, through the mountains, in the sticks and on boats on the river. He walked a LOT. Sometimes, I imagine to myself, during my walks, that I am following Him...walking along with him and the disciples listening to His messages and watching the healing and transformation of lives first hand!

When God spoke the words, "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds", He meant that, and it still applies today. You don't have to feel like an outcast for whatever reason. He sees you as whole, redeemed and renewed. His child, who He is greatly pleased. You are highly favored!  So walk along with Him and know that it doesn't matter what others think about you...because your Abba Father in Heaven says you are the BEST!

Go Shine!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Testimony...Part 4

     Thanks for sticking with me this far. This will be the final installment of my testimonial blog. This particular part will be the hardest part for me to put into words. I know I am supposed to share, but it comes with a lot of fear and uncertainty of what will come next. However, I know who God says I am and I KNOW that He loves me just as much if not even more for getting through this. So here goes....
I'll pick up where I left off. Two years of strife, junk, grief, heartache, depression. Yes, the biggest junk happened many more years ago, but it seems like it all came
tumbling down upon me within that two year time frame. Dealing with the issues in my personal life, church life, and family life got the better of me. There was a lot going on and I kept telling God that He must think I can handle it...cause it just kept coming. Problem here was, I wasn't taking the issues where I needed to. I wasn't pressing into God like I knew I should. So, you are probably asking about now, what did I do? How was I handling it all? Well, I started a one step program called, Drinking. I started drowning all the issues and stresses with alcohol. It started off slow...I have a liking for wine. Then the wine wasn't enough, so I added beer and soon after that,  hard liquor. I would drink every night to numb the pain of all that was going on. I became numb to life in general. Pretty apathetic to a lot of things, yet on the outside, I was peachy! On the inside,  I was angry, bitter and wondered what did I do to deserve all this junk (grief).  During this time my father became sick. He eventually went on to be with Jesus and that only made my issues worse. Tomorrow, June 18th will be the 2 year anniversary of his passing. Father's day is very hard for me now, then tack on an anniversary of death and it gets pretty depressing.

     Long and the short of this ordeal is this:  God didn't leave me where I was. He wrapped His arms around me and said this to me. It was so clear..."Val, my daughter, you were meant for so much more than this. You are my child and you have to look up now. Lay down the alcohol and choose life."  It was such a clear voice to me. So I did. On my face I cried and prayed and told God that I will do as He has asked. 1 year and 2 months ago...I laid it down for good. Not one drink since. I am proud of that and I vowed that I would remain an open vessel for His purpose and Glory in the end. 

     So that is why I share and I truly hope that there is just one life touched through this...cause that would be enough for me. To make a difference...To share Jesus, without fear. 

     Thanks again for reading and I would be glad to talk to anyone that may want to hear more. I'm an His Power and His Blood. And He IS the reason I'm here. 

In HIS Grip 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Testimony...Part 3

     Okay, so if you have been keeping my journey, I now am a mom of 4. Blessed with 3 boys and 1 girl! Church life is booming and we are busy doing all kinds of ministry work. Camps and VBS and all that stuff that goes along with Children's ministry. When my two oldest kids would come for visits, they too would come to church and became involved with the youth group. I would go to Falls Creek (youth camp) with them, and it was there that I realized I needed to be more involved with youth. Chris was doing a great job with the children, and he had lots of awesome volunteers. I felt I had more to offer to the youth because of my own testimony. I continued doing camp work through the next few years. I spent many a week as a head staffer for Summit Camps. Those were some of the best Summers of my life. I love Youth Camp!

     After almost 8 years of ministry at Baptist Temple, Chris and I were called to a new church...NEWCHURCH. That's the name. :) It was very hard to leave BT and the people there. They were family to us.They helped me get through some very hard times personally, through lots of prayer!  But when God calls, you answer! The work that God had begun in me was JUST getting started. If things were not already rough having to battle the evil one already, this move took on a whole new realm of battle. As a couple, our choices made earlier in our marriage didn't go away...they followed us! They followed us because we kept those doors open. If there is anything I have learned in this journey, it is CLOSE DOORS! No matter what that door may be. I would love to be more specific here, but this is my testimony and I can only share the things that God says I should share. It's my journey that I am led to talk about, in hopes that someone else might glean from it. Remember that verse..."we overcome by the blood/power of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony. Sharing is every bit as much for me as it is for someone else.

     Chris served as Associate Children's minister when we first started at NEWCHURCH. I tried out for the Praise/Worship team. I love singing for Jesus and I love helping to lead others to the throne of worship. Singing is something I love to do and on any given day, you might drive by my house and hear me at the top of my lungs. (when I'm by myself usually) or catch me in the car...yes! I love car singing. It brings me joy! Back to the story...We were trucking along, and all was well.Then an out of the blue surprise hit us! A precious little life was growing inside of me. We thought we were done on the kid thing, but God had another plan."For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11a.  So now the count is at 5 kids! 4 boys and 1 girl. That little life would become a saving grace for me, but not before another attack,  on me, on our marriage. Some things came to light and a rug or sorts was pulled out from under us. Truth revealed!  This was a good thing, really, but it was a setback that in most cases would have destroyed a marriage.   I began to have some troubles in different areas as well. Some my fault, others not so much, but that isn't important. There were troubles and I didn't handle any of it the way I should have. I wish sometimes that the whole truth would come forth, but I know that God is in control of all things that happen. This is where my big downward spiral began. Depression started to set in. I started to question my faith because of what was happening. Then my daddy got sick. His health hadn't always been too great, but this was much bigger. In 2 years time, several things happened in my personal/church life. Big things...

To be continued...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Testimony...Part 2

Grief...the dictionary's definition is as follows.
  keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow;  painful regret.

To some degree, we all are in a state of grief. So many things happen in our lives that we have a hard time dealing with, overcoming and letting go. I think my grief began early on in my life. My parents divorcing impacted me a lot more than I knew. The things that followed in my life began to mold my thinking about what a marriage is. When you have a distorted view of such things, it impacts your life. In more ways than you would imagine. Yes, I grew up and had a good life as a youth, but went on to my own marriage and family, only to repeat the same as my parents. I went to church as a young girl and was Baptized as well, but I truly do not believe that I knew what I was doing. I didn't  live my life for Jesus then. Yes, I believed in Him, but I did not live like I knew him most times.

When I got married, I didn't go to church and neither did the rest of my family. (husband and kids) When I thought about it, satan did everything in his power to place things in the way. He's been doing that all my life. It's his job. After the divorce, I still didn't go to church. In fact...I made myself so busy that I didn't make time. I worked two jobs and tried to continue my education. Two years after the divorce, I remarried. He was my knight in shining armor that came to rescue me from the muck and the mire. He protected me from my ownself, most times. The blended family was in full swing and a rocky road it was. Chris and I didn't live our lives for Christ at first either. We partied most weekends, and did what we wanted to do. Our first child came along shortly after we were married...4 years later, our 2nd child arrived. Both boys. It was shortly after the birth of our second son, that we began going to church. This is where God began to take my already deep seated grief and begin a work in me. Not long after we had been going to church regularly, the pastor of the church approached Chris and I about ministry work. read that right. He asked us to come aboard as staff in the preschool ministry. It was something that hadn't really been done before. A husband and wife team. We prayed about it, and decided that this was indeed what God wanted, so in 1996, Chris and I surrendered to the ministry as Preschool Coordinators at Baptist Temple Church in Oklahoma City and went on to the entire Children's Ministry. Satan was NOT happy at all now! How could this be...I thought I had them.  A new round of grief began for me. The attacks of the evil one were harsh for not only me but for my husband. When you are living for Jesus, and doing right, you will know it, because the attack on your life will grow. I truly believe in the statement, "You must be doing something right, if you are in the middle of heavy persecution." Satan doesn't have a problem with those who aren't following the Lord. He picks on the ones following.

During our ministry at BT, things happened. Our lives were changed in so many positive ways, but also some not so positive ways. We were challenged, both in ministry and in our marriage. Chris ministered Bi-vocationally there, so a "real job" was going on too. Things happened in our marriage and our personal lives that we are not proud of at all. Choices that would forever remain in our memories.  When you come into marriage with junk (grief), and you add a little more junk (grief) to the is hard to manage the load. Junk...we ALL have it. Learning to let go of it...unpack that bag of junk...leave it on the curb. Not easy stuff. Yes...even for ministers and their family.

To be continued.....

Friday, June 13, 2014

My Testimony... Part 1

It's always best to start at the beginning when telling a story, so I will begin this trip in such a way.

     I was born in San Antonio, but grew up in a SMALL town here in Oklahoma. I love the town I grew up in. I would live in a small town again too. I love the community that small towns bring. Sure, you have the typical small town stuff that goes everybody knows EVERYBODY'S business, and that held true for me. If you are are in, but if know. I wasn't really "in". I wasn't popular but that's okay. When I was about four years old, my parents divorced. So began the blended family life. My mother remarried a few years after and that man remained my step-father until his death almost 8 years ago. My dad remarried...a few times. :) I believe we became the textbook definition of Blended Family. LOL. I won't complain too much about this, because I gained great perspective from each of those marriages. I had a good youth and I had fun. I do not regret or wish for better.

     When I was a Senior in Highschool, I got pregnant and was married. I finished school, graduated and went on to be a wife and mother of two wonderful kids, talented and awesome in every way. I accomplished this feat all by age 19. Yes...a baby having babies and I had no idea what I was doing. I did know beyond a shadow of any doubt that I loved them beyond what I thought possible and still do to this day!

     Something seemed missing to me and I became a statistic of sorts when I decided to leave my marriage. 5 years I made it, until I felt I couldn't do it anymore. It wasn't for lack of love...because I loved. I was lost, I guess. I wanted the best for my kids and didn't want them to have to be uprooted from the only home they knew, so along with their father, we decided for joint custody arrangement and they would continue to live with him.  The years following were tough years for me. Divorce is hard...and it's hardest on the children. I don't remember the hard parts of divorce from my childhood. My parents did a good job of keeping the "junk" away from my brother and I. I can't say I did the same. Again...tough years for all concerned. We both remarried and blended family once for my children. Here is where a great amount of grace and mercy enters in...because God sustained me and I believe this is where my growth began. I remain thankful to this day for the stepparent in my kids life. I didn't always feel that way,  but I know she took very good care of them and loves them deeply. I'm also very thankful to my husband, because it takes a big person to love another person's children. Both stepparents here have loved sacrificially.
Those two kids are now grown and have kids of their own...I'm so very proud of them. They made it, in spite of their mother's hang ups early on. I'm thankful for my relationship with them both.

    This is where I will end part 1.   I've heard when sharing your life or testimony that you keep as brief as you can, but point out the main things. I'm about to turn 50 years old in a couple of months and keeping my life brief is not really easy! But I will try.

Thanks for reading this far and I'll try and get part 2 out soon.

Be blessed,

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So many times I come on here and type out a blog and then I erase it. Yeah...all those words and then I just delete, delete, delete. Most times it is best that it happens that way. I'm sure there were things I jotted down that really didn't need to be out there in the world of the unknown cyberspace. However, there are some blogs that really needed to be seen. Just for the sake of another gaining some perspective or help.  You see...we overcome by the blood and by the word/power of our testimony.  ( Revelation 12:11) Our testimony is huge! It plays a big part in our striving to not be Of the World. When you go through your toils, and your pain...when Christ has seen you through the muck and the junk...we need to testify to this, so others will see where your grace and mercy has come from and glorify God for that! We are to share...we are to live our lives as a reflection of what the Savior has done.

Okay...the point of this is to let you know, that as I approach the anniversary of my father's passing from this life, that I am feeling and unction to share some of my own testimony. The parts that I can share freely. It's been a hard road for the last few years and I know I still have a ways to go before I can say..."I'm good". Meaning that I have dealt with all and totally forgiven all. Actually...I believe we will, to some degree, deal with things all the time.  I do remain in Grace and I know that what I have asked forgiveness for is truly forgiven...from my maker. The other areas are not for me to worry about. I have forgiven things/people and it's not for me to keep tabs on their forgiveness. I have to let that go.

So, I give you a heads up of sorts to be on the lookout for this testimonial blog writing. It will take me a bit to formulate what and how to share. But I know it should be shared. It's part of my overcoming!  This will not be a blog about other people and what they've done to me. That's not what this is about at all. It's about what I have done and how my relationship with Jesus has pulled me up out of the muck and mire to spiritual renewal and awakening. Still working on that...but I KNOW that God has that plan and I'm all in for what it is!

Make today a blessed one, friends and don't forget Who gave it to you!

In His Grip,